Archive | June, 2009

Update: fire

28 Jun

I’ve been inside of the burned out place I used to call home. It’s pretty bad, smell-wise, and everything is ruined. My books have been ruined. My Michelle Sagara, Patricia Briggs, Nalini Singh, Lilith Saintcrow, Christine Feehan, Ilona Andrews, Caitlyn Kittredge, Phaedra Weldon, Karen Chance, Debra Cooke, etc…all gone. Every book I’ve reviewed on this site, gone. It’s sickening. I want to cry. Very few books were saved.

My Sookie series was being borrowed so its fine. It’s going to be a while until I have a nice library and I miss it already.

Well, enough of my whining. I’ve moved into a new place with plans to stay for six months. Long enough to get my shit together and find a house for my girls and I. I’ve got to contact publishing houses about my change of address and hope they’ll understand why I need to change it twice in a year. (Once to where I am now, and again when I find a perm. home.)

Any suggestions? comments?

Not around…

15 Jun

because I’ve gotten custody of my oldest child’s two sisters, ages 7 and 6. As most of you know, I have a 9- and 6-year-old. The girls came to live with me a week ago Sunday. Everything was going well until I blew up the stove trying to fumigate on Friday.

Yep, I blew the stove top off and the house caught on fire. So now I’m living in a hotel with four little girls as I figure out how to start over. People have been awesome. They’ve offered to donate and have donated many things.

Problem? I have no where to put anything yet. It’s really humbling to know that I might have to stay with a friend (with my four kids and her four kids) until I get the money together to move.

If it only could have happened at tax time. 🙂 Unfortunately it didn’t. Everything is going to be alright.

In the meanwhile, don’t be surprised if I post sporadically as I try to figure out what to do.

See ya soon!

Amazon Ink by Lori Devoti

7 Jun

Favorite Lines: “His body was carted off while I was still passed out, buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in the Northern Illinois woods.” (p. 48)

After her infant son was murdered, Melanippe Saka took her daughter and left her Amazon tribe for the human world. She is a talented artisan who happens to have a long life span and lives in a home with four generations of women while owning and operating a tattoo shop.

Ten years have gone by since her son’s death, but Mel has not forgotten or forgiven the Amazons and is determined for her daughter to have nothing to do with them. Then dead teenaged Amazons are placed on her porch, beginning the reintroduction of the Amazonian lifestyle.

Mel’s quiet home is soon overrun by Amazons, a detective investigating the murders, a new male tattoo artist, and the Amazon queen. Suspicion has fallen on her, so she must find the killer in order to prove her innocence. Or face trial and death.

Mel is a proud woman raising a 14-year-old daughter with the help of her mother and grandmother. Despite the pain she feels over the loss of her infant son 10 years prior, Mel has moved forward while trying to forget her Amazon roots even as her mother and grandmother try to introduce her daughter to the Amazon way. She leads a normal life until she begins receiving gifts from a killer. The bodies of dead Amazon teenagers.

Mel is a great character. She is the typical Amazon woman, but far more sensitive and caring than I would have thought. She was willing to buck tradition to keep her child safe (male or female) and when that fails, she gives up everything to protect her daughter and to ensure that she is never placed in that position again. Her immediate family is more important than tradition.

Mel’s family is a hotbed of emotion. Her daughter, Harmony, is at the rebellious point in life. She is pushing the limits and asking for outrageous things such as tattoos. Mel’s mom is a warrior woman who works out daily. We don’t learn much about her, but as this is a new series I expect more to come in the future. Mel’s grandma, Bubbe, is 500-years-old. She is a priestess who has seen it all. She is also keeping secrets from Mel. Life altering secrets. Bubbe is a trickster to be watched.

The men introduced in the book are laid back and great secondary characters. They are dominant men, but not overbearing. (Something that would go poorly with Amazons.) They are sexy and determined men who will play an interesting role in the future of the series.

The overall arc of the story does not end in Amazon Ink. Similar to Lara Adrian‘s writing style certain plot lines smoothly end while others continue into the next book. There is no cliffhanger ending, but a subtly nudge to read the next book because you have to know what will happen.

I wasn’t going to read Amazon Ink because I thought a race of strong, intelligent, highly independent women would be unable to find any men to match them. Boy was I wrong. I am extremely thankful to Erica Feldon for sending me the amazing story Amazon Ink. This is going to be a hot urban fantasy series, full of incredible twists, and I look forward to learning more about Mel, her family, the men in her life and her friends.

According to Ms. Devoti’s website, the next book in this series should be released in the spring of 2010.

apple pieWhile you’re reading Lori Devoti’s Amazon Ink, have some pie. There’s nothing like eating a traditional pie while reading a story that is all about fighting tradition to make a better world. Do something different. Make a pie. Get the recipe from Delia Online.

30 Days of Demons with Cynthia Eden

1 Jun

30 Days of Demons: Books, Prizes, Demons. Time to get your demon on. Some heroes have a really bad side. Niol’s story is coming…6/30/09. ‘Unforgettable’ - RT Book Reviews.